Sunday, May 9, 2010


Anyone who knows us knows Jayden is happiest when he's playing sports. He did basketball in the winter and now it's baseball time. Jayden plays K-ball ( machine pitch). This year Jared is coaching along with 2 dads that have been Jayden's coaches in the past. Jayden does great! We are so proud of him. If only we could get him to quit swinging for the fences. Uncle Troy bet him money he couldn't hit one out of the park and now he's trying so hard to hit a homer that he struggles sometimes. Jayden's team, The Bulls, won their game Friday night 8-5. Those boys were so excited and it was great to see! Jayden's is doing a great job playing first base. Our little #5, future Albert Pujols protege.

1 comment:

  1. That's Jayden...always happiest if he's tossing a ball around! (and it doesn't matter to him if it's in the livingroom) LOL. He is turning into quite the athlete. Keep "swinging" buddy, Bamaw loves you!
