Sunday, May 9, 2010

Emmalee's 5th Grade Adventures

Emmalee is a 5th grader now. That is so hard for me to believe! This year both kids started at a new school closer to our home. Emmalee was very nervous and sad about it but it's been a great year! She got 3rd place in the Spelling Bee, she was chosen for 3 events in the track meet, she got a part in the 5th and 6th grade play Annie Jr., again she was chosen for the districts Elementary Honor Choir, and most recently she found out she will be a Safety Patrol next year. I truly am proud of the amazing young lady she is and I'm so excited to watch her continue to grow and mature. She's definitely one of the best gifts I could have ever asked for. I'm not sure how I got to be so lucky but I'll take it.

1 comment:

  1. Emmalee is awesome! That child will be able to do anything she puts her mind to in the future if the past is any indication. Keep reaching for the stars Emmalee, Bamaw loves you!
