Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Jayden played baseball this summer for the Merrill Lynch Bulls. We played in a league with some of the best teams in town so we had a pretty rough season. Jayden played first base and had some amazing defensive plays and of course some awesome hits. When the season was over it was time for the City Tournament. Jayden was very excited to play in a tournament like Jared does all the time. The tournament was double elimination. We won our first game against a team we had played a few times during the season. Game 2 was against the #1 team in the city. They were last years champs and only lost 1 game in the last 2 years. We lost that one. We went on to play 3 more games before we lost again. The boys won more games in that tournament than they won during the regular season. They played so hard and so well and we were all very proud of them. Fall ball signups are this week. Games start the last week of August and Jayden can't wait to get back to playing ball.


For summer school this year Emmalee decided to take part in the school district wide play Annie Jr. Tryouts were held the first few days of classes and Emmalee got the part of an orphan named Tessie. (She was VERY excited to get the part of an orphan with a name.) The students rehearsed for about 4 1/2 hours a day 4 days a week for 4 weeks and at the end they put on the play Annie Jr. Emmalee was so excited to do this....she wasn't nervous at all. She got all orphaned up, makeup, costume, messy hair, and was ready to go. I didn't know what to expect. Other than the songs and lines I had heard her practice at home I hadn't seen any of the show. To my surprise Emmalee had several speaking parts and a singing solo. She did so good! I was such a proud mommy. Emmalee had lots of friends and family in the audience cheering her on. We got a special surprise when my friend Stephanie showed up clear from Raymore. It was an amazing show. All the children did great. Emmalee is already looking forward to doing it again. Singing, acting, and dancing are the things she loves. I think we may have a future star on our hands!