Tuesday, March 9, 2010


In January Emmalee attended her first MATS Meet. The meet consists of acro routines that each dancer must learn and memorize and perform individually in front of a group of judges. Emmalee placed 4th on that day. We were so proud of her! By placing 4th she was invited to come back for the finals that would be held 3 weeks later. Emmalee worked really hard and when we went back in February we knew she was ready to compete with all the other girls. Her routine looked great! There was one point that her foot was off the mat but other than that it was awesome. After all the girls were done it was time to announce the top 6 girls from each mat. As they were calling the names I was getting very nervous. My mom and sister were there with me and they were getting nervous too. 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd. Why aren't they calling her name? She did great. 2nd place, a fellow Darcee's student. My heart sank. SHE DESERVED TO PLACE! SHE WAS AWESOME! First place......Emmalee Talbott. We went wild! We screamed so loud we disturbed the little boy in front of us that was wearing headphones. I WAS SO PROUD! My little girl is amazing and I'm so lucky to have her!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010


On Monday March 1st both kids auditioned for the play Rumpelstiltskin. After 2 plus hours we found out that they both got parts! Emmalee was cast as a villager and Jayden a busy bee. The kids attended practice all week and the play was held on Saturday the 6th. There were two shows. Both kids did great! We were so proud of them!